
Dynamic Symbolic Execution with Interpolation

Download TracerX

Binary Version of TracerX

The binary version of TracerX v1.0 can be downloaded from this link.

You can try the binary versions submitted to [Test-comp 2020}( and Test-comp 2021 too.

Building TracerX from the Source:

Quick Installation

The easiest way to build TracerX from source is to run the installation script which is implemented for Ubuntu 16. (Download)

Detailed Steps for Building TracerX from Source:

The first step in to install the necessary packages:

$ sudo apt install build-essential curl libcap-dev cmake libncurses5-dev unzip bison flex libboost-all-dev perl zlib1g-dev 
$ sudo apt install graphviz libtcmalloc-minimal4 libgoogle-perftools-dev

Build LLVM 3.4.2:

Users can build llvm-3.4.2 from source code or use the pre-built package from here.

Build from sources: -> llvm-3.4.2 -> llvm-3.4.2/tools/clang
TX $ cd llvm-3.4.2
TX/llvm-3.4.2 $ ./configure --enable-optimized --disable-assertions --enable-targets=host
TX/llvm-3.4.2 $ make -j `nproc`

Pre-build package: Download the version Clang for LLVM 3.4.2.

Build uClibc uClibc is need to run programs using library’s functions, e.g. coreutils benchmarks.

TX $ git clone
TX $ cd klee-uclibc
TX/klee-uclibc $ git checkout 7b7cf9d
TX/klee-uclibc $ ./configure --make-llvm-lib --with-llvm-config="../llvm-3.4.2/Release/bin/llvm-config" --with-cc="../llvm-3.4.2/Release/bin/clang"
TX/klee-uclibc $ make -j `nproc`

Build minisat, stp and Z3 Minisat:

The installation steps for minisat:

TX $ git clone
TX $ cd minisat
TX/minisat $ git checkout 3db58943b6ffe855d3b8c9a959300d9a148ab554
TX/minisat $ make

The installation steps for STP:

TX $ git clone
TX $ cd stp
TX/stp $ git checkout tags/2.1.2
TX/stp $ mkdir build
TX/stp $ cd build
TX/stp/build $ make -j `nproc`
TX/stp/build $ ulimit -s unlimited

The installation steps for Z3:

TX $ git clone
TX $ cd z3
TX/z3 $ git checkout z3-4.8.4
TX/z3 $ python scripts/
TX/z3 $ cd build
TX/z3/build $ make -j `nproc`
TX/z3/build $ mkdir include
TX/z3/build $ cp ../src/api/z3*.h include/
TX/z3/build $ cp ../src/api/c++/z3++.h include/
TX/z3/build $ mkdir lib
TX/z3/build $ cp lib/

Build TracerX:

TX $ tracerx
TX $ cd tracerx
TX/tracerx $ ./configure LDFLAGS="-L$CURRENT_FOLDER/minisat/build/release/lib/" --with-llvm="$CURRENT_FOLDER/llvm-3.4.2" --with-stp="$CURRENT_FOLDER/stp/build" --with-uclibc="$CURRENT_FOLDER/klee-uclibc" --with-z3="$CURRENT_FOLDER/z3/build" --enable-posix-runtime
TX/tracerx $ make -j `nproc` ENABLE_OPTIMIZED=1
TX/tracerx $ cp ../z3/build/lib/ ./Release+Asserts/lib/

Note: We have noticed that the instruction cp ../src/api/z3*.h include/ TX/z3/build $ cp ../src/api/c++/z3++.h include/ and TX/tracerx $ make -j nproc ENABLE_OPTIMIZED=1 may encounter compilation errors. We realised this issue is due to the point that some c++11 keywords are not supported like auto. In such cases, a built Z3 version on an older machine can be copied (z3*.h and z3++.h) into the Z3 folder.

Running TracerX:

In order to run TracerX on an example program add.c, we first need to compile the source file into bitcode (.bc) and run TracerX on the LLVM bitcode file.

TX $ ./llvm-3.4.2/Release/bin/clang -I tracerx/include -emit-llvm -c -g add.c -o add.bc
TX $ ./tracerx/Release+Asserts/bin/klee -solver-backend=z3 --search=dfs -output-dir=path_to_output_dir path_to_add.bc